Alvere Travanchet

- when does the reason become the blame.
- when does a man become a monster?


hail to the wolf standing ever vigilant


NAME: Alvere Macaire travanchet
ALIAS: the black wolf of ishgard
Nicknames: Góður úlfur, Silent Fang
GENDER: cisgender male
patron: Halone, the fury


ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
personality type: isfj
archetype: the protector


HEIGHT: shorter than average
HAIR: silvering black
EYES: one brown, other unknown
BUILD: broad-shouldered, solid


SEXUALITY: heterosexual
marital status: single


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the child Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mi tortor, porttitor quis commodo eu, hendrerit vel libero. Etiam sollicitudin lacinia odio, nec rutrum lacus blandit a.the soldier. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut tincidunt ipsum at mollis accumsan. Nunc tristique, mi id bibendum sodales, urna nulla vestibulum purus, eget hendrerit mi tortor a lacus.the inquisitor Morbi semper convallis purus sit amet pellentesque. Fusce consectetur quis erat in ornare. Proin ut mattis mauris, a egestas nisi. Nulla accumsan sem eu iaculis ullamcorper.


roleplay hooks

corruption hath no foothold here ㅤ—ㅤ common rumor
"Have you heard? the good inquisitor has arrested his own flesh and blood for the murder of their father. truly a noble gesture... or an unfilial one. truly shows that he spares not even kin in his pursuits....
A man of honor will not balk before uncomfortable truths, and not even love will stop the inquisitor from pursuing justice. perhaps you have heard of this, and seek the aid of one whose actions are without dishonor? or are you yourself corrupt, and wish to remain unseen by his keen eye, lest your plans fall to ruin?what a noble bastard ㅤ—ㅤ common rumor
They say his mother was a brume whore, coercing his lord father to acknowledge him publicly despite the shame it would bring to his lady-wife. Why else would a man publicly elevate his bastard spawn to heir? at least he begat another son, to correct that particular mistake...
Born in the brume to a commoner mother, alvere's elevation to the status of nobility was a move seen as shocking to society at the time. whilst decades have passed, and his knighthood long since earned, many do not forget his origins.unseen hands, quiet love ㅤ—ㅤ uncommon rumor
Where did you get this money-?
An anonymous donor, with this we can expand the soup kitchen even more!
Truly? How strange- another kitchen had received the same but a month past...
while aware of his status often leading the vulnerable to regard him with suspicion or fear, alvere often seeks to lend a helping hand wherever he can. have you a soup kitchen, charity, or other such public work in need of patronage, he shall be more than willing to offer whatever gil necessary... provided he can do so anonymously, of course.broken are we who live ㅤ—ㅤ rare rumor
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